Sunday, February 3, 2008

A Season of Change...

After reading the article from Women's Wear Daily called A Season of Change, I thought a lot about our class. The article is about the top 10 colors for fall 2008. I found it interesting that the top 5 colors were cool colors and the bottom 5 colors were warm colors. It states that, "People are looking for calm in such a volatile year — especially now, with the election and the turbulent economy. We need that element of calm, but at the same time, this color also has some strength to it. With purple undertones, the color transforms into something a little richer than any plain blue or purple." The top color is blue, along with purples and dark greens. This was so neat to see how our economy and political state plays such a role in fashion. This was the first time I REALLY saw how fashion changes with our environment.

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